I was having dinner with a new friend last week and the discussion eventually turned to music. Sounds like a good conversation for dinner and a good way to get to know someone right?. I always seem to read into what people say about music, who they consider to be great, what certain songs mean what to them and unfortunately tend to judge them by who they listen to now and who they listen to from the past.
I believe I have this magical power to tell you exactly who they are by their music selection. Guaranteed most of the time I'm way off. So this young lady's comment demands my attention when she brings up soul groups from the 70's. Strange because that's about the time she was born.
In between fighting with her over certain sushi pieces, I get to thinking. How is it she would be into this age of music? I'm sure this genre of music doesn't define her but, is it her or is it the music choice that I appreciate? It's not everyday someone who's 31 knows Ray, Goodman, and Brown. She's either a real music lover or her parents are almost as cool as mine when it comes to music and played it throughout the house on Sundays. Do we rely on music from the past to fill the gaps when today's music fails to produce? Is what we hear in the mainstream so watered down that we need to visit the past for substance? Ok there are many new groups that recently came about who are extremely talented, but they seem to be few and far between nowadays.
With any luck you'll respond to this blog and let us know who it is that needs to be heard. Its been a long time since I've had the opportunity to listen to a new group and be blown away by their creativity, delivery and performance. If these groups exist, please tell us who they are. In this digital age of easy to produce cookie cutter groups with Media monsters behind them, its no wonder that the music from yesterday is still selling.
If being vocal about a song, group or genre can help define you or help someone understand who you are and how you feel, more power to you. I'm all over the board and off the radar most of the time when being asked any question about music. It can quickly become a heated topic or a great understanding, and sometimes both in the same conversation. As far as my new friend is concerned, her choices and opinions about music did define her. I'll admit it, I liked what I heard.
Plus Ultra Radio
Main & Mace Media
good post